ERROR\_execute(698): An error occurred while installing package 'conda-forge::qt-5.12.9-hb2cf2c5\_0'. Rolling back transaction: done
LinkError: post-link script failed for package conda-forge::qt-5.12.9-hb2cf2c5_0 location of failed script: C:\Users\blabla\anaconda3\envs\env_test\Scripts\.qt-post-link.bat
Error occurred during installation of jupyter and matplotlib.
A problem have been occurred in qt part of the dependency packages.
I got a look at Anaconda Issue.
Anaconda issue tracking. Contribute to ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues development by creating an account on GitHub.
The solutions to this are as follows.
1 [.qt-post-link.bat] uses the command from chcp of system32.
2 Check the path of the system environment variable as follows:
3 If there isn't system32 inside the path, add it and apply.
Try installing again.
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Anaconda Set-up (0) | 2020.12.10 |